About this shit:

Every 4th monday on UKW 102,7 MHz (Chemnitz/ Germany only) or livestream (www.radiot.de) you can get abunch full of good music. Who think that this crap, which all the stupid radiostations on this fuckin' planet play, is Punkrock, he's a godamned asshole! Listen to "Punk you want" and you know whats good music - Hardcore, Oi! and Punk only....Check it out!!!

Jeden vierten Montag im Monat gibt auf UKW 102,7 MHz (nur in Chemnitz) oder via Livestream im Internet (www.radiot.de) musikalisch was auf die Mütze. Wer denkt, dass Energy oder MDR Jump Punk und so bringen, der sollte lieber mal bei uns reinhören! Hardcore, Oi! und Punk sind angesagt....

Januar 26, 2011

Playlist 22. Show January 24th 2011

1. Darkbuster: "Grandma was a Nazi" ("A weakness for spirits" 2007 Dumb Trumpeter)
2. Danzig: "Mother" ("Not of this world" 1989 Flashback Worldproductions)
3. The Krays: "Messed up legions" ("A time for action" 2000 TKO)
4. Flatfoot 56: "Distortions" ("Black thorn" 2011 People Like You)
5. Leatherface: "Diego Garcia" ("The stormy Petrel" 2010 Big Ugly Fish)
6. Control: "Hooligan Rock'n'Roll" ("Hooligan Rock'n'Roll" 2009 Step 1)
7. Aires & Graces: "Fencesitter" ("Hope & Fortitude" 2008 Dead End Social Club)
8. Smoke Blow: "Am Strand" ("Colossus" 2008 Pias)
9. Dead Moon: "It's ok" ("Crack in the system" 1994 Music Mani)
10. Niblick Henbane: "Happy happy oi oi" ("Go away" 2007 TKO)

Januar 25, 2011