About this shit:

Every 4th monday on UKW 102,7 MHz (Chemnitz/ Germany only) or livestream (www.radiot.de) you can get abunch full of good music. Who think that this crap, which all the stupid radiostations on this fuckin' planet play, is Punkrock, he's a godamned asshole! Listen to "Punk you want" and you know whats good music - Hardcore, Oi! and Punk only....Check it out!!!

Jeden vierten Montag im Monat gibt auf UKW 102,7 MHz (nur in Chemnitz) oder via Livestream im Internet (www.radiot.de) musikalisch was auf die Mütze. Wer denkt, dass Energy oder MDR Jump Punk und so bringen, der sollte lieber mal bei uns reinhören! Hardcore, Oi! und Punk sind angesagt....

Februar 04, 2010

Playlist 10. Show February 4th 2010

1. Die Lokalmatadore - Männer Rock 'n' Roll - Männer Rock 'n' Roll - Teenage Rebel Records
2. Growing Movement - Circle Of Torture - What can i do - We bite records
3. Integrity - Systems overload - Systems Overload - Victory Records
4. Tech 9 - Last line of defense - Johnny went to war - I scream records
5. The Booked - Feel the pride - Knock out yer teeth - Radical
6. Pressure Point - Youth on the street - Heart like a lion - Victory Records
7. Man's Ruin - Gossip, rumors and lies - Come a little closer - Helen of Oi
8. Thug Murder - The 13th round - Friends and goal - People Like You
9. Emscherkurve77 - Lern ma deutsch! - Lektion 1 - Ich hass die Bullen - Knock Out Records
10. The Boils - Pride and persecution - Eyes hit the floor - TKO Records
11. Tommas Gustafsson & The Idiots - Subwaste & Tommas Gustafsson & The Idiots Split - Sometimes hell is what I need - Warbird Entertainment
12. The Draft - In a million pieces - New eyes open - Epitaph
13. The Pinkerton Thugs - End of an era - The Time - Go Kart Records

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