About this shit:

Every 4th monday on UKW 102,7 MHz (Chemnitz/ Germany only) or livestream (www.radiot.de) you can get abunch full of good music. Who think that this crap, which all the stupid radiostations on this fuckin' planet play, is Punkrock, he's a godamned asshole! Listen to "Punk you want" and you know whats good music - Hardcore, Oi! and Punk only....Check it out!!!

Jeden vierten Montag im Monat gibt auf UKW 102,7 MHz (nur in Chemnitz) oder via Livestream im Internet (www.radiot.de) musikalisch was auf die Mütze. Wer denkt, dass Energy oder MDR Jump Punk und so bringen, der sollte lieber mal bei uns reinhören! Hardcore, Oi! und Punk sind angesagt....

Mai 25, 2011

Playlist 26. Show May 23th 2011

1. NOFX: "The separation of church and skate" ("The war on errorism" Fat Wreck 2003)
2. Noi!se: "This is who we are" ("This is who we are" Longshot/ Contra 2011)
3. Bombardiers: "Rendez-vouz" ("Saraba Nakame" Bombers Crew Records 2011)
4. Old Firm Casuals: "Old firm (DMS)" ("same" Oi! The Boat Records 2011)
5. Adolescents: "One nation under siege" ("The fastest kid alive" Concrete Jungle 2011)
6. Bulldozer: "Two fingers in the air" ("Split with Revilers" Contra/ Comon People 2010)
7. Slick 46: "For you not me" ("Hurry up" Longshot/ contra 2011)
8. Dockside Hookers: "Hail to the working class" ("Killing the music" Longshot/ Bandworm 2003)
9. Revilers: "Stand or fall" ("Stand or fall" Patac Records 2009)

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